01/09: Simply Put?

In hard economic times, we gravitate towards things that warm the soul and make us feel secure.  Comfort food is one of those things–chicken-fried steak with gravy, buttermilk biscuits, strawberry rhubarb pie, po-boy sandwiches, ribs.  We know what we’re eating and it makes us feel gooood.  There is still a place for fine-dining indulgences, like an exceptional caviar or a beautifully prepared foie gras.  It’s just getting harder and harder to justify spending what would amount to a day’s or even a week’s pay on a meal made up of dishes that are more vanity project or science experiment than food to be savored and enjoyed.  If you have to ask what the heck is that when the server sets the dish in front of you, then you are having a culinary arts nightmare.  As my friend Irene would say, “that’s no bueno.”  Pushing the envelope can be a good thing…except when the contents have exploded onto your plate like a Jackson Pollack painting.

I’ve been known to do a “take” on a familiar dessert, like a cheesecake sundae.  I’ve used quotation marks to indicate that it is being presented perhaps in a nontraditional way.  It’s only fair to the guest ordering the dessert to know in advance your being a little cheeky.  However, I think it is downright cruel and inhumane to lead the guest on–not to mention charge them up the whazoo–for something that in no way shape or form resembles or tastes anything like what they are expecting.  Just because you think it is a cool idea doesn’t mean it will taste good or that you should expect the guest to get your point.  When creating a new dessert, I always ask myself one very important question:  What do I want to eat?  Okay, granted some us have esoteric tastes, but I think what we crave is always a good starting point.

On the flip side of the dessert spectrum, is stark minimalism.  Don’t get me wrong, a lovely slice of perfectly-baked pie with a scoop of ice cream is a wonderful dessert– in a low-key, casual place like a cafe or diner–not so much in a more sophisticated dining room where the average price of an entree is over $25.  An $8 or $9 dessert better have something more than two things on a plate (and I’m not counting that dusting of powdered sugar as a component!).  I love ice cream, but I wouldn’t pay seven bucks for two scoops in a bowl, no matter how wonderful the flavor, because in the end we enjoy the meal with our eyes as much as with our palates.  Otherwise we’re just not getting our money’s worth.

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